Thursday, January 05, 2006

Happy 2006

Happy New Year to all. It's great to see another new year. Challenges remain the same but the way we deal with them must change if we are to progress. Make a note of all the mistakes you made last year and right down what's the opposite of them all. Then you set about achieving new goals using different strategies while keeping in mind your misses from 2005. Learning from mistakes is magical. Be not afraid to press on and try new things. Set goals that can be attainable in quarters as opposed to making new years resolutions that will most likely be broken. Quarterly or monthly goal-setting is very effective to stimulate your thinking and your attitude towards achieving these goals so get an early start on it. Notice that almost an entire week of January is already gone. Time waits for no man. When you want to do something, GET UP AND DO IT AT ONCE...NEVER say it can fit into next week because then you'll be postponing next week's activities and always be lagging behind. Take care of yourself and come next week, you will be greeted with a new appearance and feeling on this blog. If you've really broken your diet during the holidays, here's a little something to help balance your body functions. In the meantime, here's a little something I"ve secured for those of you who would like to get paid just to surf. It is off for today but will be back on from tomorrow January 6. Enjoy.
See you next week.

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Blogger lex said...

Happy New Year to you!
May your wishes come true.

1:10 PM  

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