Thursday, March 02, 2006

Email Marketing - How to get your emails opened

Email marketing is a powerful component of any business and when done correctly, it gains many rewards. When people log into their emailbox, most of the time is spent deleting unwanted mails. This however depends on the information displayed in the "FROM" and "SUBJECT" fields. Most people are already familiar with the vernacular of spammers so deletion is quick and often a first choice. Never spam anyone. Most people who actually sign up for newsletters etc, will trust messages coming from that source so get it done the right way the first time. However, if you choose carefully, how you 'structure' your emails, you will increase the number of people who actually open and read those emails.
Pay attention to what you include in the "From" field. NEVER use an email address there, always have your name clearly stated. Email addresses in the "FROM" field usually indicate spam so the message will be most likely deleted.
In the "subject" field, try to stick to about 7 words giving a simple and clear indication of your content.
Be sure that you highlight the action you would like the reader to take when they read the message. As usual, everything I learn and share here is taught to me by someone elseso I'll share as best as possible.
Here's about a dozen "Great words that sell" that you may include in your "subject" field to increase the chances of your mails being opened.
How to
These words when included in the "subject" field, spark a bit of interest in the mind of the reader and their chances of opening are increased.
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