Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Secret in a Nutshell (cont'd)

21. You can begin feeling whatever you want (even if it's not there)...the universe will correspond to the nature of your song.
22. What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract into your experience.
23. What you think and what you feel and what actually manifests is ALWAYS a match - no exceptions.
24. Shift your awareness.
25. "You create your own universe as you go along" Winston Churchill
26. It's important to feel good ( ( ( (((good))) ) ) )
27. You can change your emotions immediately. .. by thinking of something joyful, or singing a song, or remembering a happy experience.
28. When you get the hang of this, before you know it you will KNOW you are the creator.
29. Life can and should be phenomenal.. . and it will be when you consciously apply the Law of Attraction (LOA)
30. Universe will re-arrange itself accordingly.
31. Start by using this sentence for all of your wants: "I'm so happy and grateful now that.... "
32. You don't need to know HOW the universe is going to rearrange itself.
33. LOA is simply figuring out for yourself what will generate the positive feelings of having it NOW.
34. You might get an inspired thought or idea to help you move towards what you want faster.
35. The universe likes SPEED. Don't delay, don't second-guess, don't doubt...
36. When the opportunity or impulse is there .. ACT.
37. You will attract everything you require - money, people, connections. .. PAY ATTENTION to what's being set in front of you.
38. You can start with nothing... and out of nothing or no way - a WAY will be provided.
39. HOW LONG??? No rules on time... the more aligned you are with positive feelings the quicker things happen.
40. Size is nothing to the universe (unlimited abundance if that's what you wish) We make the rules on size and time.

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Monday, May 14, 2007

The Secret: In A Nutshell

A great team member of mine shared this interpretation of 'the secret' with us.
I could not resist sharing here. I'll share in batches of 100.
1. We all work with one infinite power.
2. The Secret is the Law of Attraction (LOA)
3. Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting.
4. We are like magnets - like attracts like. You become AND attract what you think.
5. Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy.
6. People think about what they don't want and attract more of the same.
7. Thought = creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad) that speeds the creation.
8. You attract your dominant thoughts.
9. Those who speak most of illness have illness, those who speak most of prosperity have it, etc.
10. It's not "wishful" thinking.
11. You can't have a universe without the mind entering into it.
12. Choose your thoughts carefully ... you are a masterpiece of your life.
13. It's OK that thoughts don't manifest into reality immediately (if we saw a picture of an elephant and an elephant instantly appeared, that would be too soon)
14. EVERYTHING in your life you have attracted. accept that's true.
15. Your thoughts cause your feelings.
16. We don't need to complicate all the "reasons" behind our emotions. It's much simpler than that. Two categories.. . good feelings, bad feelings.
17. Thoughts that bring about good feelings mean you are on the right track. Thoughts that bring about bad feelings mean you are not on the right track.
18. Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming.
19. You get exactly what you are FEELING.
20. Happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances.

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